When my Mac is running slow, that means it is time to start doing some routine maintenance on my Mac. Sometimes we forget to run routine checkups and we let our Mac’s start to get a little messy.
Keeping track of the files and applications that are on your Mac is one the best things you can do to keep your Mac running smoothly. Following a few simple tips will help keep your Mac running properly and proficiently.
When My Mac Is Running Slow, I Start To Clean!
When you load up your Mac, the first thing that is going to open up is applications you have requested to load up when you boot up your device. When you have multiple applications loading up when you start your Mac you will start to see a lag in the speed of your Mac. To turn off this request, you will need to go to your System Preferences then Accounts and then the Login Items tab.
The next thing you see after you load up your Mac is your desktop. If your desktop is cluttered with so many things that you can no longer see your desktop, then it is probably time to clean up your cluttered desktop. The best thing to do is first place all of your unnecessary files in the trash bin. Then files that you want to keep, organize them into their own folders. You can leave a few folders on your desktop or drag them to your dock.
People love having ways that give them instant and easy accessibility to different information. These techy little things are called widgets on our Mac’s. They could be filling up your dashboard and slowing down your Mac drastically. To find out what widgets you are using that are taking up the most memory, go to your Activity Monitor. You will be able to see what widgets are using the most memory and then go to your dashboard and delete the widget.
The biggest speed improvement you will find on your Mac will be upgrading your RAM. To find out if upgrading your RAM is the right for you, go to your Activity Monitor. Click on the System Memory tab and look at the pie chart. If the pie chart is mostly red, you are in need of more RAM.
Can I Use A Cleaner When My Mac Is Running Slow?
When your Mac is running slow, it may be time to run a Mac cleaner such as MacKeeper. MacKeeper offers many different features including antivirus, anti-theft, hard drive cleaner, application uninstaller, data encryption, data recovery, hard drive backup, update tracking and technical expert assistance. There are many different applications that you can help you maintain and run a healthy Mac, but MacKeeper is the one application that is a one-in-all application.
If you are finding that your Mac is running a bit slow and sluggish, then running a Mac cleaner, such as MacKeeper and deleting unnecessary widgets and applications will help keep your Mac up to par. Now that you have read this article, you know what I do when my Mac is running slow.