When I purchased my first Mac, needing to know how to clean it up, never entered my mind. This was because I could not get over how lightning fast everything was. No locking up, no waiting for a program to open, everything worked as one dreams of their computer working; fast and without problems.
My dream’s lasted about a year, this is when I found out that even the almighty Mac can get a bit sluggish after time. I quickly realized that it was time for my Mac to get a little spring cleaning. Having been a Microsoft Windows tech (I.T. person) for a large fortune 500 company, I suddenly found myself asking, “How do I clean up a Mac?â€. Well, as I found out, and as you will too, cleaning up a Mac is pretty easy to do with the right tools.
The three main reasons a Mac gets slower are; a cluttered up hard drive, useless applications that waste space, and applications that are wasting memory.
Step 1: Clean Up The Mac’s Hard Drive
Many of a Mac’s problems, in fact over 50%, comes from a cluttered hard drive. Hard drives can get clogged up with junk files, language packs, cache files, and useless parts of apps. You may think that this is something you can just do yourself, which to a a certain degree, is an option. However, it is sometimes difficult to know which data can be removed safely, and deleting them may cause you a lot of problems.
Finding these files is also no easy process, which is why I use a Mac cleaner software. It finds all of the things that are cluttering up your hard drive, and hands them over to you. Then with a click of a button, they’re all gone, and you are on your way to having your beloved computer back.
One of the main reasons our hard drives become so cluttered, is because we try to clean it up ourselves. How does this happen? Because, many of us try to keep it clean by deleting applications that we no longer need. This in itself, is not a bad thing, it is actually a good thing to do at least once a month. However, even after dragging and dropping these apps to the trash, there are still residual pieces left on your hard drive. The only way to get rid of these is with an un-installer program, something many Mac software cleaners come with.
Step 2: Clean Up A Mac By Making Space
Living our lives in a digital world means that the space on our hard drives is quickly eaten up by videos, games, photos, music, documents, applications, and more. An efficient and effective Mac cleaner software, will scan your computer and locate any of these files that are junk, duplicates, or otherwise useless, and get rid of them.
Things that take up a lot of space include games, photos, and music. Take the time to go through your apps, and files, and delete the ones that you no longer want or use. When moving them to the trash, remember to have a Mac clean up software that includes an uninstaller, so that you truly get rid of these items.
Step 3: Clean Up The Mac By Getting Rid Of CPU & Memory Hogs
The last step, is to get rid of those hidden data and applications that are hogging your Mac’s memory. These can be found manually, or found with a Mac clean up software. I prefer the latter, not just because it’s easier, but because it usually find’s things that I do not.
A good clean up software will allow you to close down the apps you do not need to have running, and to control the ones you want to have open upon startup. By choosing only the ones you need the most, you will notice a difference in speed every time you log in.
Finding a good Mac cleaner software, will enable you to keep your Mac running fast, the way it always should. You can even set it up to do routine maintenance. Another benefit to using a Mac cleaning software, is that unlike when you do it yourself, you can feel safe knowing that the program detected and removed the correct files as it cleaned.
Now you too, know how to clean up a Mac.