All computer users want fast and efficient machines, in fact when you buy a Mac it is bought with that expectation. But in reality computers slow down, even Macs, and despite many efforts to make your computer faster you likely find yourself still dealing with a slow Mac. This is due to time, in a way. Read more…
All posts by KC Shalda
After reading this article, you will not only know how to clean up your Mac but how to keep it clean. A slow and sluggish Mac is a sign that it may be time to do a little house cleaning on your Mac. Read more…
If you are anything like me, when you got your first Mac, routine maintenance on it was a mystery. Once you get the hang of Mac, you will see that you do not have to become frustrated and that it is actually very easy to maintain your Mac. Read more…
When my Mac is running slow, that means it is time to start doing some routine maintenance on my Mac. Sometimes we forget to run routine checkups and we let our Mac’s start to get a little messy. Read more…
Mac’s are a great investment and a wonderful computer to have. Sometimes the trackpad starts to have some problems and here I will discuss how you may be able to fix it. Read more…
Doing a Mac speed test is a great way to make sure your computer is up to par and working to its fullest speed. Read more…
The easiest way and the first step to cleanup the hard drive on your mac, is to make sure you’re shutting down and restarting your Mac often. Â Read more…
Knowing which Mac system cleaner to use can be a sensitive subject amongst Mac users. In fact, just today I was scrolling through a popular forum for Apple users and found myself quickly enthralled with a thread entitled: “Mac Software: Mac Cleanersâ€. The person that had begun this thread posted the following question: Read more…
If you think the answer to ‘how to clean your Mac in 2 minutes’ involves your calling a certified Mac technician, well then think again. Let’s face it, it would take you at least 2 minutes just to make the phone call. Read more…
Knowing how to clean up my Mac the right way was of great concern to me when I first noticed it becoming slower and slower. I knew of some things that I could do myself to clean it up, but I also knew that by deleting the wrong thing I could very well lose my Mac. Read more…