There are a lot of tweaking tips to boost your Mac’s speed if your Mac’s system tends to run slowly. Most don’t even require you to spend any of your hard earned money. Some of these great tips to make sure that your Mac’s system is running at optimum speed are listed below:
1. Disable Dashboard. Dashboard can really consume your Mac’s memory even if you’re not using it. Therefore, and it’s best to disable it which can be done easily by entering this code in Terminal. Just key in the following: write mcx-disabled -boolean YES and you can change Yes to No if you want to reverse the effect.
2. Clean the Hard Drive. Having a cluttered hard drive is one of the reasons why a Mac will tend to run slower. Take a look at your Mac’s hard drive and determine which applications and files are unnecessary and then delete them. Your Mac’s system needs at least 10% free space to perform at its best.
3. Clean Mac Desktop. Get rid of too many icons on the desktop, because Mac has to deal with them which means they are consuming your Mac’s space and other resources. It is good to remove the ones that are unnecessary, and for others you should create folders and use it to organize the remaining files. You will notice some improvement with your Mac right away.
4. Turn off Icon Preview Options. This option causes your Mac to spend some time in opening those folders in order to preview them. To turn it off just go to Show View options on your Mac and then select the Show Icon Preview options from the list.
5. Remove Some Animation Effects. These effects run in your background. This can be nice to the eyes but the bad thing is they will affect how your Mac system runs. It is better to disable it under the System Preference options.
6. Menu Bar Items. These items can consume memory and CPU cycles. It’s best to remove any that are unimportant to you. Just click the Command + and then drag the icons off the menu bar.
7. Update Software Drivers on Your Mac. Most of the time old drivers will only consume most of your CPU and RAM. Get the latest updates for any drivers and install it in your Mac machine.
8. Update Applications. If programs are old and obsolete, this simply consumes most of Mac’s space causing it to run slowly. You can run third party tools that will help you get the latest software updates for your Mac.
9. Get Rid of Unnecessary Attached Peripherals. These can slow down your Mac’s speed to if they are attached to your computer. Unplug them when they’re not being used.
10. Avoid Using Animated Backgrounds. This is one of the easiest ways to speed up your Mac. By disabling animated wallpapers and replacing them with a solid picture you will also lessen the time your Mac needs to boot up.
If you want to boost Mac speed, these 10 steps above will get the job done. No need for you to break your budget when you use these tips to speed up your Mac.